Warmth in the blood, interdisciplinary, committed and sustainable - these are the chararacteristics of Energiekoppler.
We all want a future with a renewable and independent energy supply. The consequence - fluctuating energy generation and the need to use flexible producers, consumers and storage systems to balance it out. The current trend towards "self-sufficiency" in the form of self- consumption optimization cannot be the last word. Instead, we should make optimum use of flexibility across the board. This means taking into account the load on electrical grids as well as offering and allowing our neighbors or other customers to use the flexibility. With the development of the Flexibility Plant, we are providing a building block for the energy system of the future and thus enabling the optimal control of electricity flows.
Photos: iStockphoto.com/Thinnapob (l.), iStockphoto.com/Bim(m.), iStockphoto.com/nrqemi (u.r.)
Since 2011, the interdisciplinary team from the fields of electrical and thermal energy supply has been researching the multi-disciplinary sector coupling electricity, heat, gas and mobility at the Technical University of Dresden. The many years of research culminated in 2020 in the founding of DieEnergiekoppler GmbH and the technology of the "Flexibility Plant". In 2021, we were able to successfully enter the market.
Following our market entry in the area of direct marketing, we are now focusing on flexibility marketing, the core characteristic of the Flexibility Plant. With automation, standardization and openness to technology, we will provide a solution for a wide range of applications. This will allow us to enable business models in the future that still seem uneconomical today.
Wir setzen Social-Cookies ein, damit wir Ihnen Youtube-Videos zeigen und Postings von Instagram, Twitter oder Facebook einbinden können.
If you use HubSpot to host your website or installed the HubSpot tracking code, HubSpot sets a number of tracking cookies when a visitor lands on your website to understand their behavior better. You can display a cookie policy banner for your visitors to opt in or out of the non-essential cookies.
If you're a visitor to a website hosted by HubSpot or has the HubSpot tracking code, the cookies below may be set on your browser, depending on the site's set up. You can learn more about the cookies by reading below.
Necessary cookies
These are essential cookies that do not require consent.
This cookie is used by the opt-in privacy policy to remember not to ask the visitor to accept cookies again.
This cookie is set when you give visitors the choice to opt out of cookies.
It contains the string "yes" or "no".
It expires in 6 months.
This cookie can be set to prevent the tracking code from sending any information to HubSpot.
It contains the string "yes".
It expires in 6 months.
This cookie is used to prevent the banner from always displaying when visitors are browsing in strict mode.
It contains the string "yes" or "no".
It expires in seven days.
This cookie is used to record the categories a visitor consented to.
It contains data on the consented categories.
It expires in 6 months.
This cookie is used when the Global Privacy Control banner is dismissed.
It contains the string "yes" or "no".
It expires in 180 days.
This cookie is used when the website uses a Notify consent banner type.
It contains a boolean value of True.
It expires in 180 days.
This cookie is used to consistently serve visitors the same version of an A/B test page they’ve seen before.
It contains the id of the A/B test page and the id of the variation that was chosen for the visitor.
It expires at the end of the session.
When visiting a password-protected page, this cookie is set so future visits to the page from the same browser do not require login again.
The cookie name is unique for each password-protected page.
It contains an encrypted version of the password so future visits to the page will not require the password again.
It expires in 14 days.
This cookie is used to determine and save whether the chat widget is open for future visits.
It is set in your visitor's browser when they start a new chat, and resets to re-close the widget after 30 minutes of inactivity.
If your visitor manually closes the chat widget, it will prevent the widget from re-opening on subsequent page loads in that browser session for 30 minutes.
It contains a boolean value of True if present.
It expires in 30 minutes.
This cookie is used to prevent the chat widget welcome message from appearing again for one day after it is dismissed.
It contains a boolean value of True or False.
It expires in one day.
This cookie is set when visitors log in to a HubSpot-hosted site.
It contains encrypted data that identifies the membership user when they are currently logged in.
It expires in seven days.
This cookie is used to ensure that content membership logins cannot be forged.
It contains a random string of letters and numbers used to verify that a membership login is authentic.
It expires at the end of the session.
This cookie is used to save a visitor’s selected language choice when viewing pages in multiple languages.
It is set when a visitor selects a language from the language switcher and is used as a language preference to redirect them to sites in their chosen language in the future if they are available.
It contains a colon delimited string with the ISO639 language code choice on the left and the top level private domain it applies to on the right. An example will be "EN-US:hubspot.com".
It expires in two years.
This cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider because of their rate limiting policies. It expires at the end of the session. Learn more about Cloudflare cookies.
This cookie is set by HubSpot’s CDN provider because of their rate limiting policies. It expires at the end of the session. Learn more about Cloudflare cookies.
This cookie is set by HubSpot's CDN provider and is a necessary cookie for bot protection. It expires in 30 minutes. Learn more about Cloudflare cookies.
Analytics cookies
These are non-essential cookies controlled by the cookie banner. If you're a visitor to a site supported by HubSpot, you can opt out of these cookies by not giving consent.
The main cookie for tracking visitors.
It contains the domain, hubspotutk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session).
It expires in 6 months.
This cookie keeps track of a visitor's identity. It is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts.
It contains an opaque GUID to represent the current visitor.
It expires in 6 months.
This cookie keeps track of sessions.
This is used to determine if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie.
It contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp.
It expires in 30 minutes.
Whenever HubSpot changes the session cookie, this cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser.
If this cookie does not exist when HubSpot manages cookies, it is considered a new session.
It contains the value "1" when present.
It expires at the end of the session.
If you are logged in to HubSpot, HubSpot will set additional authentication cookies. Learn more about cookies set in the HubSpot product. You can also see whether a contact accepted these cookies in their timeline.
Functionality cookies
Chatflow cookie
This is the cookie used for the chatflows tool. If you're a visitor, this allows you to chat with a representative on the site.
This cookie is used to recognize visitors who chat with you via the chatflows tool. If the visitor leaves your site before they're added as a contact, they will have this cookie associated with their browser.
With the Consent to collect chat cookies setting turned on: If you chat with a visitor who later returns to your site in the same cookied browser, the chatflows tool will load their conversation history.
The messagesUtk cookie will be treated as a necessary cookie.
When the Consent to collect chat cookies setting is turned off, the messagesUtk cookie is controlled by the Consent to process setting in your chatflow.
HubSpot will not drop the messagesUtk cookie for visitors who have been identified through the Visitor Identification API. The analytics cookie banner will not be impacted.
This cookie will be specific to a subdomain and will not carry over to other subdomains. For example, the cookie dropped for info.example.com will not apply to the visitor when they visit www.example.com, and vice versa.
It contains an opaque GUID to represent the current chat user.
It expires after 6 months.
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Cookies necessary for the operation of the site are set. In addition, you can allow cookies for statistical purposes, social media and our live chat. You can adjust the data protection settings or consent to all cookies directly.
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